Bali Holidays

I thought Australia had too many public holidays. Well I guess not. Indonesia has more.

There are four different New Years Holidays, as well as 4 different religious holidays – Christian, Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu.

Here is a list of the official public holidays this year.

  • 1 Jan –  New Year’s Day
  • 26 Jan –  Chinese New Year
  • 26 Mar –  Nyepi – Hindu New Year
  • 9 Mar –  Mouloud – Birth of the Prophet
  • 10 Apr –   Good Friday
  • 8 May –  Waisak Day – Buddha’s Birthday
  • 21 May –  Ascension.
  • 17 Aug –  Indonesian Independence Day
  • 20 Jul –  Lailat al Miraj – Ascension of the Prophet
  • 21 Sep –  Eid al Fitr – End of Ramadan
  • 28 Nov –  Eid al Adha – Feast of the Sacrifice
  • 18 Dec –  Islamic New Year
  • 25 Dec –  Christmas Day
  • 26 Dec –  Boxing Day

Coman Etha

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Cameron Reply

Interesting post! What would you consider to be the best time to travel to Bali for a ‘beach’ holiday?

Coman Etha Reply

Hi Cameron,

Any time is good for a beach holiday in Bali. The rainy season is from November to March and could put a dampener (pardon the pun) of some of your activities. If you can, avoid Nyepi day. Everything closes that day. Even the airport.

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