Tag Archives for " Ubud "

Ubud Pothole Update

The pothole in the Ubud Main Road that first appeared in early July is being repaired.  10 days after it appeared an excavator was brought in to find the problem.  After digging a hole 8 metres deep, 8 metres wide and 20 metes long, the cause is quite clear.  There is a river running under the road.  3 weeks after the excavation, work has started to repair the damage.

Watch this video and see this monster pothole for yourself.

Pothole Causes Traffic Chaos

A huge pothole in the Ubud main road has caused traffic chaos in the area.

The hole is in the centre of the road, right outside the market in the heart of Ubud.  That section of road is usually bumper to bumper most of the day, but today it was completely closed.

The hole looks to be at least 2 meters deep and the sound of running water can be heard coming from the hole.  It appears that there is a large drainage system running under the road.

West bound traffic was diverted about 1 kilometer, but for people traveling east it was not so easy.  The detour was about 10 kilometers through the rice fields to the north, which takes about 20 minutes.

One can only imagine the scale of the work required to repair the damage.  It could be weeks before traffic can pass again.

Pothole 1Pothole 2

Bag Snatcher Shot at Ubud

Ubud area police are continuing their crackdown on muggers and purse snatchers who have been targeting tourist visitors. On Wednesday, June 24, two young men were apprehended in the process of snatching a purse near Ubud. One of the men, 20-year-old Lukman Hakim of Jembrana, Java, was shot by police in the thigh after he reportedly tried to evade capture.

Police authorities told NusaBali that Lukman heads a group of teen-age thieves who operated from his rented accommodation in Sembuang in Gianyar targeting tourists in Ubud, Sukawati and Tegallalang.

Police continue to seek at least one more youth, believed to be part of Lukman’s den of thieves.

Reproduced with permission from –  Bali Discovery Tours – http://www.balidiscovery.com

Jamie Lee in Bali

Jaimee Lee CurtisActress Jamie Lee Curtis spent part of a recent holiday in Bali.

During her Bali visit, she was taken on a walking tour of the rice fields outside Ubud by well know museum owner, Agung Rai.

She writes about her reflections on Bali in the online newspaper, The Huffington Post.  If you would like to read her article, it is titled Pay Attention.

Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt in Bali.

Julia RobertsSony Pictures Entertainment will later this year film the Bali scenes of the screen adaptation of Elizabeth Gilbert’s best selling autobiography, Eat, Pray, Love(EPL).

Julia Roberts stars as the book’s narrator, and Brad Pitt and Dede Gardner will produce the film.

The book, which traces Gilbert’s search for identity across four countries following her divorce, topped six million sales in the US alone.  With shooting in New York, Italy, Delhi and Bali, the film of the bestseller is expected to be a blockbuster at box offices around the globe.

Director, Ryan Murphy, is currently scouting locations in Gianyar, Karangasem and Jimbaran, with much of the filming planned around the hillside village of Ubud.

Source:  Jakarta Post

End to Ubud Muggings

Police in the arts community of Ubud hope they have put to an end to a recent spate of purse snatchings with the arrest of Wednesday, of a 28-year-old man.

A police spokesman in Ubud said the man had committed crimes in a variety of locations in the Ubud area, including Goa Gajah and Tegalalang. Police also reportedly found sums of money and a camera in the man’s possession at the time of his arrest and are searching his rooming house in Denpasar for further clues in a series of muggings targeted at female tourists in Ubud.

Reproduced with permission of Bali Discovery Tours. http://www.balidiscovery.com

Who the Hell is ……. Antonio Blanco?

Antonio BlancoAntonio Blanco was born in Manila, Philippines to Spanish Parents in 1911.  He was educated at an American school and later studied in the National Academy of Art in New York.  During his early years he concentrated on the human form and was fascinated by the female body.

He travelled extensively throughout the world before landing in Bali in 1952.  The King of Ubud gave Blanco some land to set up his home and studio with his wife, a celebrated Balinese dancer named Ni Ronji.  They lived in their mountain retreat, barely leaving it for the world outside.

Blanco became the most famous foreign artist to make Bali his home.  Art lovers sought after his work, and he was recognised worldwide.  He continued to create fantasy portraits of beautiful women until his death in 1999.

Before he died, Blanco started building his museum.  Dramatically, he died just before its inauguration.

Today the Blanco Renaissance Museum is open to the public, and is a popular tourist destination in Ubud.   Stroll through the magnificent gardens, visit the family temple, and enjoy the work of this world-renowned artist.  The studio remains undisturbed, the unfinished painting still on the sunken easel.

Blanco Museum

More Than Monkeys

The official name for the Sacred Monkey Forest is Mandala Wisata Wenara Wana, and is situated only minutes from the heart of Ubud.

About 350 Balinese Macaques live in the forest.  There are 4 groups of monkeys each occupying different territories in the park.

While the monkeys are the main attraction, and will provide heaps of entertainment and photo opportunities, there is much more to see.

There are 3 temples in the forest, dating back to about the 14th century.  The largest is the Pura Dalem Agung, located on the highest point of the forest.  A path through the trunk of a huge tree and across a small creek leads to the Holy Bathing Temple.  The third temple, the Pura Prajapati, is a cremation temple and located next to one of the two graveyards in the monkey forest.

The forest itself is quite stunning with a thick canopy shading the ground.  There are interesting paths winding throughout, stone bridges crossing picturesque streams, and many interesting stone carvings.  It is really a great place to just relax and take in the magnificent sights.

Just beware of the monkeys.  Whilst they are a lot of fun, they can be a little aggressive at times.  Follow the rules and you should find the visit one to remember.

Monkey Forest

Ubud Market

The Ubud Market sits right in the centre of town and is always the busiest spot in Ubud.

The market has two sections.  The Eastern block is for fundamental requirements such as fruit and vegetables, meat and hardware.  It opens at around 5 am.  Mornings are the best time to catch the market buzz, as locals buy all the components for the daily meal and daily offerings.

Ubud Market 2The Western Block is generally referred to as the Art Market.   It starts around 8 in the morning and trades until late in the afternoon.  Here you will find clothing, art, local handicrafts, jewellery, bags, belts, and much more.  This is a great place to buy your gifts and souvenirs to take home.

The official market day is Pasah which occurs every three days.  This is the busiest time as many of the women from nearby mountain villages come to sell their various produce.

The Ubud Market is a vibrant maze of stalls and shops with an interesting sight around every corner.  A visit here will allow you to find that special cheap souvenir, and also get a glimpse into the unique Balinese lifestyle.

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